Liebster Award 2017

I was nominated by wonderful Abigail from Abigail’s Books! ❤

It is always fun to do these kind of award posts because it makes me happy and accomplished of my book blog’s progress!


What is Liebster Award?

The Liebster Award is an award presented to bloggers by other fellow bloggers, with the pure intention of supporting each other! As part of being nominated, you must answer the eleven questions given by the blogger who kindly nominated you. Then, in turn, nominate eleven more bloggers and leave eleven new questions for them to answer.

Let’s get into it! 🙂

Abigail’s Question

1. Who’s your favourite author?

J.K. Rowling! I love her story so much! Her story is so meaningful to me until now! Rick Riordan, Marissa Meyer and Renee Ahdieh. These people write such good stories!

2. Have you ever met any authors? If so who? If not who would you want to meet?

Unfortunately I haven’t 😦 My country rarely does international author meet ups and book conventions unlike other parts of world such as US, UK, Australia.

I really hope there will be more in the future! 🙂

3. What’s your all-time favorite book?

The book must be very good, the characters must be likeable and the environment of the book must be lovely! These criteria suit my favourite book of all time, Harry Potter!

4. What do you do to get out of a slump?

I will watch tonnes of booktube videos comprising book hauls, book reviews and book charades! I will be inspired by their videos and that will make me to read even more! 🙂

5. What’s your favorite bookstore? Or do you prefer online shopping? If so what’s your favorite online bookstore?

My favourite bookstore is MPH Bookstore! I bought most of my books there, because the price used to be really cheap. However, since two years ago, the price starts to boom and now I don’t really purchase them much 😦

My favourite bookstore is also MPH Online where I will preorder books with discounts 🙂 To be honest the last time I bought books was on November 2016! 😦

6. What’s your favorite thing about blogging?

Seeing my book blog grows and receives recognition from the book community! I love it how people are so nice and sweet by commenting and reading my posts because I know that there are so many book bloggers out there that are more established than mine. I am very thankful for that ❤

7. Do you like getting nominated for these types of posts? (Be honest)

Who doesn’t? I don’t feel pressured about it, I just take my time to answer the questions given by people who have nominated me! I should be grateful and happy for the recognition and nomination from people.

8. Do you like reading posts more or writing posts more?


9. Do you have any pets? (Random I know haha)

Nope but I would love to have one! ❤

I really want to have a cat, but my parents would never let me to have one 😦 I would love to have a Scottish Fold please 🙂 ❤

10. What book do you think has the prettiest cover?

I think Strange the Dreamer (US and UK edition) is stunning!

11. Do you want to be an author?

Hmm considering the amount of stress that you have to face, I think I will just stick to being a reader. Don’t get me wrong, I love writing stories, but being a writer is not for me.

My questions are:

  1. Do you want to be a #1 NYT Bestselling Author or a famous publisher in the world who publishes pristine and fine quality books?
  2. List down one author who you really don’t like his/her books.
  3. Are you an advocate and believer for diverse books? Why?
  4. You have to choose to burn and rewrite either these two series, Divergent and The Hunger Games. Justify your choice.
  5. Are you feeling insecure with your blog’s progress? Do you want to have thousands of followers in order for you to be accomplished?
  6. Do you like entering book giveaways? Have you won any?
  7. Choose one thing or problem in the world that you would like to settle and stop.
  8. Are you interested in writing a book?
  9. How do you face or encounter a problematic book? Do you read it or DNF’d it?
  10. Who is your favourite booktuber/YouTuber?
  11. Do you prefer to eat fast food once a week or once a month?

I tag five lovely bloggers:

YA Allegiance

Marty from The Cursed Books

Amber from Ambsreads

Nikki from Nikki’s Novel Niche

Lauren from Northern Plunder

That’s it for my nomination!

Congratulations to the nominees! You guys really deserve the recognition from other people. I cannot wait to read your answers! Please notify me when you have done it so I can check it out.

Please don’t be pressured by my nominations, I just want to advertise your blog to more people so that people can read more of your posts! ❤

Thank you for reading and see you in another blog post!




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