The Unique Blogger Award


I was tagged by the lovely Abigail from Abigail’s Books!

Please check out her book blog because she never misses writing blog posts every week!


  • Display the award!
  • Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.
  • Answer the questions they’ve written for you!
  • Nominate 8-13 bloggers and give them three questions in the spirit of sharing love and solidarity within our blogging family!

Abigail’s Questions:

  1. What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not reading?

I love playing computer games and watching Youtube videos! My current Youtube channel that I love is SuperCarlinBrothers, because they discuss everything Marvel, Pixar and Harry Potter in their channel! They are not so many promising and compelling Youtube accounts which discuss on my favourite fandom so it makes me really happy discovering their channel! 🙂

  1. What’s your favorite guilty pleasure read?

Harry Potter! It is not a bad thing, because I always miss the world so rereading the books brings comfort to me in a million ways! Just meeting Harry and friends and also the Wizarding World totally gives a sense of welcoming even though it is only a fictional world. Once you go in, you will never go out ❤

  1. What’s your favorite read so far this year?

For YA contemporary, Dear Martin and also Broken Beautiful Hearts are my favourite of the year.

For YA Fantasy, there are no books that totally impress and captivate me but if you want recommendations, The Cruel Prince is a well-developed and diversified book to enjoy 🙂

My Nominations:

Marta from The Cursed Books

Sara from The Bibliophagist


Emily from The Wicked Pages

Rafael from The Royal Polar Bear Reads

The Bookish Tales

The Book Thief Without Words

It’s perfectly fine if you don’t do it, I just wanna share love with other unique bloggers out there! 🙂

My Questions:

  1. What are your pet peeves when it comes to writing blog posts?
  2. What are you dreams that you want to achieve for your blog?
  3. If you are not a book blogger, what kind of blogger you think you could be interested in?

I hope everyone will enjoy reading this award post as much as I wrote them! 🙂



The Miranda Sings Award

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I was nominated by the amazing Abigail’s Books.

She is a very sweet person because she always includes me in her posts and that makes me feel very appreciated ❤ I am just so glad to know her 🙂

Thanks again Abigail! Don’t forget to check her post later!


  • Announce your win with a post, and link the blogger who nominated you.
  • Include the featured image on your blog post.
  • Nominate 10 bloggers (or as many as you can think of) and link your awardees in the post.
  • List 7 things you love about yourself. (This can be about your appearance, your personality, your achievements, etc.)
  • Don’t use negative connotation (i.e. Don’t say things like – “I’m prettier than an average person.” or “People have told me I’m smart.” You are pretty. You are smart.)

Seven Things I Love About Myself:

  1. I LOVE that I am a reader. This is the most valuable gift that I received from me, myself and I. Studies show that readers are likely to become leaders and more understanding people 🙂
  2. I am a hardworking person. I do things wholeheartedly, instead of playing around. I put my 100% effort to the things that I want to finish.
  3. I don’t splurge on things easily! I come from a very mediocre family, so we don’t splurge and buy unnecessary stuffs, just to please the heart and lust to buy. I love it how my parents have instilled the habit of saving to their children, so we won’t face any financial problems from spending too much.
  4. Simple and cheap things will make my day. Even a good morning wish from the people I love can make me happy ❤
  5. I LOVE my skin so much! I am thankful that I don’t usually face major breakouts and zits all the time. My skin tone is light-brown and not sensitive. The message here is to always appreciate your skin if you don’t have any major skin problems. Don’t chase for expensive skin cares as skin care products mainly consist of synthetic and semi-synthetic chemical products.
  6. I have a family who understands me so well. I won’t trade them for anything else. I am actually more of a family person. I am willing to work hard and spend my money for their happiness ❤
  7. I love for the fact that my university and house are so near! I can always go back home every day to escape from university stress :/

I Nominate:

The Cursed Books

Lovely Lorryn from Reading Parental

Krista and Dawlyn from Little Blind Book Finds

The Nerdy Bibliophile

The Nerdy Side of A Queen

Cannot wait to read your answers ❤

Thank you very much for reading my award post!



Awesome Blogger Award


Greetings guys!

I was nominated by Krista and Dawlyn by littleblindbookfinds! Thank you so much for the nomination guys! Appreciate it so much ❤

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This award was created by Maggie @ Dreaming of Guatemala and she said:

“This is an award for the absolutely wonderful writers all across the blogging world. They have beautiful blogs, are kind and lovely, and always find a way to add happiness and laughter to the lives of their readers. That is what truly defines an awesome blogger.”

 The Rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you.

  • Include the reason behind the award.

  • Include the banner in your post.

  • Tag it under #awesomebloggeraward in the Reader.

  • Answer the questions your nominator gave you.

  • Nominate at least 5 awesome bloggers.

  • Give your nominees 10 new questions to answer.

  • Let your nominees know that they’ve been nominated!

Kristi and Dawlyn’s Questions

What was your favorite subject in school?

I guess my favourite was Mathematics, Chemistry and English! I scored high marks during high school 🙂 However, once I enter university, Chemistry is the hardest subject of all :/

What is your favorite book from your childhood?

I guess any books from Dr Seuss! I honestly couldn’t remember because it was long time ago and probably my parents have given them away.

Do you have a show that you’re enjoying watching right now?

Sam and Cat! I am currently re-watching the first season and I have forgotten how hilarious the tv are! 🙂

What is your favorite show?

I love watching Sam and Cat and The Thundermans on Nickelodeon! I don’t really watch TV shows from Netflix because we don’t subscribe it. I also rarely watch adult TV shows because they are not interesting and tempting enough to watch! I rather watch something that is suitable for my family to watch too 🙂

If you were to write a book, what genre would it be?

If I were to write a book, I will write Contemporary or Fantasy because I love those genres so much! Right now, I am not planning to do any stories because of university, guys.

What is your favorite movie genre?

I love watching those Disney movies, like High School Musical, Camp Rock, and many more! I love watching like teenagers movie because I relate to those so much.

What fictional pet would you have?

I would love to have an owl! Having an owl that can deliver post? I WANT IT!

What is your most anticipated book release?

Harry Potter: A History of Magic!! OMG!! I cannot wait!!

Are there any book to movie/TV show adaptations you are looking forward to? If not, have you enjoyed any this year?

I am looking forward for Fantastic Beasts 2! However, I heard that the movie will come out next year unfortunately. I am also excited for Thor 2 this upcoming November 🙂

Do you already have a Reading Challenge or goal in mind for next year? If not, are there any books you know you will be reading next year?

As usual I will be planning a Reading Challenge on Goodreads next year! However, I will decrease the number of books that I want to read, because I will be busy for my final year project and internship next year! Wish me luck, guys!

I am tagging 5 lovely bloggers!

Abigail’s Books

Melanie from Bookish Endeavor

Nicay from The Nerdy Side of A Queen

Lorryn from Reading Parental

Ash Williams

Here are my questions!

  1. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

  2. Who is your most inspiring idol in the world?

  3. Which one that you cannot live without, books or food?

  4. Do you prefer buying books online or at the bookstore?

  5. Do you guys read or watch Game of Thrones? I don’t find it interesting at all :/

  6. Do you guys think that the Harry Potter series is overrated?

  7. What ice cream flavour do you like?

  8. Have you done something so embarrassing lately?

  9. What are your plans for 10 years from now?

  10. Do you like entering giveaways? Have you won any?

Thank you guys for reading! To the nominees, congratulations and make sure you notify me when you have done the post! ❤

Till next time!





Liebster Award 2017

I was nominated by wonderful Abigail from Abigail’s Books! ❤

It is always fun to do these kind of award posts because it makes me happy and accomplished of my book blog’s progress!


What is Liebster Award?

The Liebster Award is an award presented to bloggers by other fellow bloggers, with the pure intention of supporting each other! As part of being nominated, you must answer the eleven questions given by the blogger who kindly nominated you. Then, in turn, nominate eleven more bloggers and leave eleven new questions for them to answer.

Let’s get into it! 🙂

Abigail’s Question

1. Who’s your favourite author?

J.K. Rowling! I love her story so much! Her story is so meaningful to me until now! Rick Riordan, Marissa Meyer and Renee Ahdieh. These people write such good stories!

2. Have you ever met any authors? If so who? If not who would you want to meet?

Unfortunately I haven’t 😦 My country rarely does international author meet ups and book conventions unlike other parts of world such as US, UK, Australia.

I really hope there will be more in the future! 🙂

3. What’s your all-time favorite book?

The book must be very good, the characters must be likeable and the environment of the book must be lovely! These criteria suit my favourite book of all time, Harry Potter!

4. What do you do to get out of a slump?

I will watch tonnes of booktube videos comprising book hauls, book reviews and book charades! I will be inspired by their videos and that will make me to read even more! 🙂

5. What’s your favorite bookstore? Or do you prefer online shopping? If so what’s your favorite online bookstore?

My favourite bookstore is MPH Bookstore! I bought most of my books there, because the price used to be really cheap. However, since two years ago, the price starts to boom and now I don’t really purchase them much 😦

My favourite bookstore is also MPH Online where I will preorder books with discounts 🙂 To be honest the last time I bought books was on November 2016! 😦

6. What’s your favorite thing about blogging?

Seeing my book blog grows and receives recognition from the book community! I love it how people are so nice and sweet by commenting and reading my posts because I know that there are so many book bloggers out there that are more established than mine. I am very thankful for that ❤

7. Do you like getting nominated for these types of posts? (Be honest)

Who doesn’t? I don’t feel pressured about it, I just take my time to answer the questions given by people who have nominated me! I should be grateful and happy for the recognition and nomination from people.

8. Do you like reading posts more or writing posts more?


9. Do you have any pets? (Random I know haha)

Nope but I would love to have one! ❤

I really want to have a cat, but my parents would never let me to have one 😦 I would love to have a Scottish Fold please 🙂 ❤

10. What book do you think has the prettiest cover?

I think Strange the Dreamer (US and UK edition) is stunning!

11. Do you want to be an author?

Hmm considering the amount of stress that you have to face, I think I will just stick to being a reader. Don’t get me wrong, I love writing stories, but being a writer is not for me.

My questions are:

  1. Do you want to be a #1 NYT Bestselling Author or a famous publisher in the world who publishes pristine and fine quality books?
  2. List down one author who you really don’t like his/her books.
  3. Are you an advocate and believer for diverse books? Why?
  4. You have to choose to burn and rewrite either these two series, Divergent and The Hunger Games. Justify your choice.
  5. Are you feeling insecure with your blog’s progress? Do you want to have thousands of followers in order for you to be accomplished?
  6. Do you like entering book giveaways? Have you won any?
  7. Choose one thing or problem in the world that you would like to settle and stop.
  8. Are you interested in writing a book?
  9. How do you face or encounter a problematic book? Do you read it or DNF’d it?
  10. Who is your favourite booktuber/YouTuber?
  11. Do you prefer to eat fast food once a week or once a month?

I tag five lovely bloggers:

YA Allegiance

Marty from The Cursed Books

Amber from Ambsreads

Nikki from Nikki’s Novel Niche

Lauren from Northern Plunder

That’s it for my nomination!

Congratulations to the nominees! You guys really deserve the recognition from other people. I cannot wait to read your answers! Please notify me when you have done it so I can check it out.

Please don’t be pressured by my nominations, I just want to advertise your blog to more people so that people can read more of your posts! ❤

Thank you for reading and see you in another blog post!




Mystery Blogger Award

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Thank you so much Lorryn from Reading Parental for awarding and nominating this post to me ❤ 🙂

This tag is created by Okoto from Okoto Enigma’s Blog so don’t forget to check out her blog! The reason why she created this award is so impressive and that inspires me even more to do this tag! ❤

Mystery Blogger Award is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion.


  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
  5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  6. You have to nominate 10 – 20 people
  7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
  8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
  9. Share a link to your best post(s)

Three things about me:

  1. Harry Potter is my life. The series has been with me since I was little, and now I am 21, I appreciate the story even more! The themes are very diverse, all walks of life can gain something from the books! It is weird yet impressive on how a series can affect your life entirely and change your perspective to the world 🙂
  2. I loathe people who don’t have the effort to complete something. Like, in a group assigned by a lecturer to do some assigned tasks, and when that ONE person does not do much for the group, I will HATE the person instantly! I hate it when my mark depends on some lousy people who are hesitant to do work!
  3. I will do everything, I repeat EVERYTHING to make my family happy! I will sacrifice my social life, my expenses and savings, my energy just see happy smiles on their faces ❤

Questions from Lorryn:

1. Is there one book you have read that you wish you never did? If not, what is your least favorite book?

I guess Allegiant by Veronica Roth. I don’t hate the series, I just hate the last book of the installment. The ending totally ruins me. If I have superpowers, I want to magically change the ending to a happy one. If I am wizard, I want to obliviate my mind from that bad experience of reading the book!

2. When did you become a reader? Was there anything going on in your life that helped push you towards books? Or have you just always been a book person?

I am a reader since kindergarten. When I was in kindergarten, we had this ‘parents-teacher-student meeting’ every week where all of us would sit together and my parents and teacher would listen to what I read, to see my progress as a kid. I really loved getting all the Good!, Excellent! stickers from my teacher on my reading report card! I still keep it until now because that particular experience has instilled me to what I am now! I am grateful for that experience ❤

3. If you could become apart of any fictional world where would you go and why?

I will never get tired of saying this, it is the Wizarding World! I love everything about this magical world and I feel there is so much to learn about it! The world is so special to me because I have grown up watching the movies and experiencing the books from young. Wizarding World of Harry Potter has so much intricate world building from schools, sports, transportation to their own government sector! There are no fictional world better than this!

4. What fictional couple or group of friends are you and your significant other/group of friends?

I have no significant other in my life (for now!).

I guess I can relate to Andie’s group of girlfriends from The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson! My group of friends and I have a Whatsapp group where we share our interest and problems together in the chat and sometimes we just send cute emojis to reply each other’s message!

5. What super popular book do you hate? Why?

Looking for Alaska. I didn’t connect to the story at all and I didn’t grasp the purpose of the story to be told to the readers. I just feel like there are no inspirational points in the story and the characters are purposely written to be such awful people. 2 stars for the story.

6. If you could mash-up two books into one which ones would you choose?

It’s hard to mash-up two books into one, because I mainly read Fantasy and those worlds are completely different from each other.

However, I think that if Harry Potter’s and Percy Jackson’s story are combined together, it will be so cool and fantastic!! Imagine both trios are saving the world from the evil. WOW THEY WILL MAKE A REMARKABLE TEAM!! 🙂

My questions are:

  1. How do you guys deal with sadness? Do you express your feelings to your loved ones?

  2. What is the most significant memory of yours while reading a book?

  3. During a massive zombie attack on Earth, you get to choose either these two series as a companion for your escape to another living planet. Harry Potter or The Mortal Instruments? Why?

  4. List down 2 books that are so bad and you wish you can rewrite.

  5. Do you prefer fan fiction over the real book?

I tag these lovely bloggers:

Lovely Abigail @ Abigail’s Books

Nikki @ NikkisNovelNiche

Inge @ The Belgian Review

Krista and Dawlyn @ Little Blind Book Finds

Tammy @ Tammy the Reader

Rose @ Tea With Roses Tomes

Kristi @ Confessions Of A YA Reader

Andrea @ A Little Blue Book

Amanda @ The Lexington Bookie

Amy @ Tomes With Tea

Don’t forget to notify me if you guys have done the post!!

These are few of my best posts with most views and likes from my followers and friends:

Thank you guys for reading my post and I see you guys in other blog post! ❤



The Sunshine Blogger Award 2017

I would like to thank the lovely Abigail from Abigail’s Books for nominating me for The Sunshine Blogger Award 2017! 🙂 ❤



The Sunshine Book Blogger Award is given to bloggers who are innovative, inspiring and positive in any community which they are in. 

There are a few rules which the nominee has to answer:


  1. Thank the person(s) who has nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blogs.
  2. Answer all the 11 questions sent by the person who has nominated you.
  3. Nominate another 11 blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award Logo on your post and/or on your blog.

Abigail’s Questions:

1. Why do you read?

Reading is my form of escapism from the real, cruel world. My mind relaxes and my body calms whenever I read a book which I truly love and enjoy. I find inspirations and moral values in characters and stories I read and I will appreciate and acknowledge all the characters who have given me the light to always look forward for life.

Some people find inspirations from travelling and seeing new places. Some people find inspirations from watching documentaries and meeting new people. Right now I think I cannot afford to travel overseas but when I have the luxury, I will surely go. For the time being, I find solace in reading. 🙂

2. What got you into reading?

I have to thank my teachers from kindergarten. They have instilled the love of reading to me when I was 5 years old. They taught me that you will find answers you want from a book. However, I could not understand what answers they meant.

Only now I understood. Answers of life can be found in a book. Stories taught you to be strong, selfless and kind to one another. I am grateful for my teachers and upbringing.

3. What do you like most about blogging?

I love writing reviews and sharing my thoughts on books. Whenever I finish writing a post and hit the Publish button, I feel so excited! I cannot wait to see my book blog grows!

Also, I love the people in the book community. They are all so supportive and caring. Right now, with all of your love, currently I have 102 subscribers to my blog within 43 days of blogging! Thanks for the support, lovely people! *celebrates*

4. What’s your favourite movie?

I love watching movies about Young Adults! It’s because it’s the only genre that I can relate to and free from any explicit content.

I like Me Before You. It is a beautiful and moving story about life and sacrifice.

I also like Marvel’s movie from Captain America, Hulk, The Avengers, Dr Strange. I really love watching humans with superpowers!

5. Do you play any sports? If not what do you do outside of reading?

I am not a really active person. However, I did play sports when I am at school and during my first year of university. I played softball because it is an interesting game to be played.

I also love playing computer games and watching movies!!

6. Do you prefer hardcovers, paperback, e-books, or audio books? Why?

I prefer paperbacks all the way! I do have some hardcovers, from the Harry Potter series which I bought them during the first printing when they first came out.

I don’t fancy e-books at all now because it hurts my eyes so bad. I used to read e-books but now I don’t. I don’t want to worsen my eyesight.

I listen to audio books occasionally, especially for Harry Potter.

7. Do you like to snack when you read? If so what’s your favourite snack of choice?

I don’t like to snack while reading because my hands will get sticky and it will leave stains on the pages. I drink tea or hot chocolate whenever I have the mood to drink.

8. Tea or coffee?

Tea! I have a weak stomach, so I cannot drink coffee too often. I don’t really buy Starbucks because they are hella expensive here in Malaysia.

9. What’s your favourite type of blog post to write?

My favourite is writing my Thursday Tags!! Tags are the only writings that I truly enjoy, because I don’t have to rack my brain to write reviews! Reviews can so hard sometimes. When you don’t have the mood to write reviews, you can never successfully write it.

10. Do you like non-fiction or fiction more?

I love fiction more because I don’t have any access to non-fiction books. My wallet only says fiction books *laughs*

I guess I don’t really feel tempted to read non-fiction mainly because I cannot find any book that can suit me this far.

11. What do you want for a career? (it’s okay not to know)

I want to be someone who does experiments, discovers new things and produces journals to the community. I want to work in a science field because I love it. I love what I am studying now so I have to work really hard to get what I want in the future.

I tag 11 lovely bloggers:

The Book Prophet

The Lexington Bookie

Nikki’s Novel Niche

Kisses From Jess

Book Twin Reviews (Corina and Tijuana)

The Belgian Reviewer

Flavia the Bibliophile

Confession of A YA Reader


Reading With Jessica


My questions for all of you: 

  1. What made you to start your blog?

  2. Do you have any bloggers who give you the inspiration to write?

  3. Share your most hated book of all time.

  4. What is your favourite place to write posts?

  5. What book do you think everyone needs to read?

  6. If you could meet an artist/writer whom you really love, who would it be?

  7. If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?

  8. What is one of your favourite blogs?

  9. Your favourite series (tv/books) 

  10. How many followers do you think that makes you blog fully established to the world?

  11. Do you use social media to promote your blog and connect to other bloggers?

To all bloggers who I have tagged, I cannot wait to read your answers and please comment me when you have done it! 🙂

If you have done this post, its alright you don’t have to do it again 🙂

Thanks for reading and I see you next time! ❤

